
A History Lover's Guide to Florida
Florida is a state of transplants. Even people who relocated here decades ago still claim their birthplace as their home. They might change their mind if they knew that the Sunshine State owns one of the richest histories in the nation. Decades before the Pilgrims, the Spanish celebrated Thanksgiving in Florida. Centuries before the first St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York, the holiday was celebrated in St. Augustine, where urban renewal was underway when Jamestown settlers arrived. Author James Clark offers a lifetime of places to explore and thousands of facts to fascinate, tracing the state's long history from Pensacola to the Florida Keys.

A Concise History of Florida
In 1513, Spanish explorer Ponce de León first set foot on Florida's east coast. The land he discovered was a geographic anomaly so distinctive that astronaut Neil Armstrong said Florida was the first shape on earth he recognized on his return from a visit to the moon 456 years later. This unique state witnessed momentous events from the 1959 arrival of the first Cuban exiles under Fidel Castro to the 1981 launch of the Columbia, the first space shuttle. Join author and historian James C. Clark as he chronicles the history of the Sunshine State in this concise and captivating history.

The Pineapple Anthology of Florida Writers, Vol 2

The Pineapple Anthology of Florida Writers, Vol. 1

Orlando, Florida: A Brief History

Presidents in Florida: How the Presidents Have Shaped Florida and How Florida Has Influenced the Presidents

Last Train South: The Flight of the Confederate Government from Richmond

Red Pepper and Gorgeous George
Righteous Warrior: Jesse Helms and the Rise of Modern Conservatism

200 Quick Looks at Florida History
"James Clark...knows a lot of oddball stories about how Florida turned out the way it did because of scheming, stupidity or happenstance."
"This distilled version of 10,000 years of Florida history is packed with thousands of unusual and little-known facts and stories."